Business Agility

What is Business Agility?

(6 minutes of reading)

Business agility is the ability of a company to quickly adapt to market changes. It is a measure that shows how quickly and effectively a company can respond to new opportunities or threats.

Business agility has become increasingly important in recent years as the pace of change has accelerated. The traditional business model of developing strategic plans and then executing them over years is no longer viable in many industries. Companies must now be able to quickly adapt their plans as market conditions change.

There are a few factors that contribute to business agility, including organizational structure, culture, processes and technology. Organizations that are agile can quickly adapt their plans and operations in response to changes in the marketplace. They have structures and cultures that encourage innovation and creativity, and they have processes and technologies that allow them to move quickly.


The term "business agility" has been around for several decades but, has only recently gained traction as a business concept. Business agility is the ability of an organization to respond quickly to changes in the marketplace. This can be done through a variety of means, including flexible staffing, just-in-time production, and agile marketing.

The fundamental pillars of business agility are: speed, flexibility and adaptability.

SPEED: is the ability to quickly execute opportunities and ideas.

FLEXIBILITY: is the ability to turn and change course when necessary.

ADAPTABILITY: is the ability to anticipate and respond to market changes.

Business agility is essential in today's fast-paced and ever-changing business environment. Organizations that can adapt quickly to market changes will be able to compete better and succeed in the long term.


The three pillars of business agility are people, processes, and technology. To be agile, a company must be able to adapt quickly to changes. That means having the right people in the right place with the right skills and knowledge. Processes must be flexible and allow for rapid changes. And the technology must be able to support the other two pillars.

People are the most important pillar of business agility. Without the right people, a business won't be able to adapt quickly enough. The right people need to have the right skills and knowledge. They also need to be able to work together as a team.

Processes need to be flexible to allow for rapid changes. This means having processes that can be easily changed without interrupting everything else. Technology needs to support this, being able to implement changes quickly.


In a rapidly changing business environment, agility is essential for success. But what is business agility? And what are the main pillars that support it?

Business agility is the ability of an organization to quickly adapt to changes. This could be changes in market conditions, technology, or customer demand. To be agile, organizations need to be able to respond quickly and efficiently to these changes.

There are two fundamental characteristics of business agility:

1) Lean and Agile Practices: These practices help organizations reduce waste and increase efficiency. They include techniques like continuous delivery, Scrum, and Kanban.

2) Organizational Culture: An agile organizational culture encourages openness, collaboration, and innovation. Values customer feedback and continuous improvement.


There is no single recipe for success when it comes to achieving business agility. However, there are some key concepts and pillars that can help guide organizations towards a more agile way of doing business.

One of the key concepts behind business agility is the idea of constant change and adaptation. In today's ever-changing business landscape, organizations need to be able to quickly adapt to new opportunities and challenges. This requires some flexibility and openness to change at all levels of the organization.

Another key pillar of business agility is customer focus. To be agile, companies need to have a deep understanding of their customers' needs and wants. They need to be able to respond quickly to changes in customer demand to remain relevant and competitive.

Finally, effective communication is essential for any organization seeking to achieve business agility.


In conclusion, business agility is the ability to quickly adapt to market changes. To be agile, companies need to have a clear understanding of their customers' needs and be able to quickly adapt their products and services to meet those needs. In addition, companies need to have a culture that supports and encourages innovation and creativity. Finally, companies need to have the right tools and technologies to enable them to be agile.

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Environmental, Social and Governance

(5 minutes of reading time)

ESG is an approach that evaluates the work of a corporation in favor of social and environmental objectives, that is, it evaluates if a company is only concerned with maximizing its profits or if it is also concerned with the pillars to improve society.

As we said earlier, ESG stands for: Environmental, Social and Governance. And here is a brief explanation for each of these themes:

Environmental: are the practices of a company or entity focused on the environment. This theme deals with issues such as: global warming, emission of polluting gases, air and water pollution, deforestation, waste management; energy efficiency, biodiversity etc.

Social: is related to the social responsibility of a company and deals with topics such as: human rights, labor laws, occupational safety, gender diversity, race, ethnicity, creed, customer satisfaction, data, and privacy protection, pay equity, etc.

Governance: here in governance, it means corporations need to have transparent administrative policies. The topics listed here are corporate conduct, anti-corruption practices, existence of reporting channels on cases of discrimination, harassment and corruption, internal and external audits, respect for consumer, supplier and investor rights, data transparency, executive compensation, etc.

Today, ESG is synonymous of socio-environmental responsibility, which is why large companies are so committed to following these pillars.


The term ESG was used for the first time in 2004, in a report made by the Global Compact, an arm of the United Nations that, together with the World Bank, are responsible for engaging companies around the world to adopt principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.

Gradually, the acronym replaced the term “sustainability” and became the way to refer to socially responsible, environmentally sustainable, and properly managed companies.


We can no longer ignore the damage done to the environment. Nor can we ignore social differences and inequality. So ESG companies can, little by little, contribute to making a different world. With responsibility and the right resources, they can take positive climate action, building a more sustainable and resilient future.

Not to mention that companies with good ESG practices are at less risk of facing legal, labor, fraud, and lawsuits for impacts on the environment. In addition, in a recent survey, Bloomberg estimates that the ESG theme should attract US$53 trillion in investment by 2025.

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility): WHAT IS IT?

CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility is the voluntary commitment of corporations to the development of society and the preservation of the environment.

It is a set of actions that aim to improve the environment and the community around the company, that is, they are actions adopted by companies that bring many benefits to society.

A socially responsible business is quite different from welfarism since the company must be involved in social actions with genuine objectives of helping society and the environment.

The socially responsible company is guided by compliance with current regulations and has an integrated process with all those involved. This company must be concerned with building a better world.


We at beecrowd are also a socially responsible company. We are concerned with environmental, social, and corporate governance and we work towards social objectives that go beyond the role of a company.

Our purpose goes far beyond financial results. For example, today we make our platform available free of charge to 595 educational institutions in 47 countries. There are more than 184,000 students, many from disadvantaged communities, who use beecrowd to develop themselves in the technology environment and seek new job opportunities.

We are also proud to be committed to partnerships that seek to increase the number of women and minorities in the technology area, such as Grace and Brazilians in Tech (BiT) in Brazil and Niñas PRO in Chile. In this way, we can ensure that more women can train and develop in the software programming area.

We take great pride in having gender and ethnic diversity within our own founding team. We increasingly seek to show that women and minorities must have the same opportunities in the job market, whether in IT or in any other area.

Our Social Responsibility initiatives are aligned with the principles of sustainable development of the UN, the United Nations. Currently, our activities fall within 4 of these principles:

1) Quality education;
2) Decent work and economic growth;
3) Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure;
4) Reduced inequalities.

We believe that together we can make a better future! And you, beecrowder, are a crucial part of this process!

Read more about our Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives on our website: Social Responsibility

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The Future of the Automobile

The Future of the Automobile

(7 minutes of reading time)

What child has never dreamed about the cars of the future? People flying technological cars that do everything by themselves.

We still have cars that run on the streets, but we already know that they will be electric, autonomous, interconnected and designed to interact with smart cities. This revolution in the mobility will generate a major change in the design of automobiles.

Nowadays, the main requirements of the automobile market are the following:

1) Sustainability - due to consumer ecological awareness
2) Safety – avoid accidents as much as possible
3) Economy – due to the high price of fuel
4) Comfort - the idea is that the car should offer a safe hub for entertainment while commuting

However, we know that the car market is constantly changing, so, here are the main trends for the future, short or long-term, who knows!


Autonomous cars are those that offer some important autonomous driving functions and can drive without any human interference.

Depending on the level of autonomy, vehicles are configured without items such as steering wheel and pedals.

As the name suggests, it is a concept that aims to apply artificial, sensorial, and decisive intelligence to a vehicle's decisions. The goal of this technology is to completely replace human intervention in car driving.

The industry is going through a transition period towards this trend, as no automaker has reached the so-called full automation, where the vehicle safely replaces the driver in 100% of traffic scenarios. However, several automobile and technology companies, such as Tesla, Uber, Google etc., already dedicate enormous efforts and resources in research and improvements in the area.

In a future where vehicular automation reaches its fullest, automobiles will be revolutionized in the way they are used, so that people will be able to use vehicles as a living room, study or work while traveling with complete safety and comfort.

In addition, autonomous cars will reduce 4 very common problems on urban streets and roads: accidents, noise pollution, traffic jams and high emission of polluting gases.

Another important feature is that there will be sensors scattered throughout the vehicle, which will allow it to be guided without human assistance and only through computer intelligence. Among their functions, sensors are responsible for identifying pedestrians, other cars and any other obstacle that may appear on the road.

The real-time interaction between these sensors and the vehicle's central computer is what allows decision-making to be made practically immediately.

In short, the artificial intelligence used for the operation of autonomous cars can analyze tire pressure, eliminate so-called "blind spots", use a quick braking response in possible danger situations, stick to road speed limits, detect lane changes, change the vehicle's suspension whenever necessary and even perform the most diverse maneuvers without collisions.


The electric car has been gaining market share for 2 major reasons:

1) Sustainability and socio-environmental responsibility - with the deepening of climate issues accelerating at the same speed as consumer awareness, it is increasingly important to make the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources precisely because this results in zero emissions and greater savings

2) Economy – fuel costs are lower, as well as maintenance and eventual repairs

The electric car brings benefits, such as being less polluting, quieter and having more efficient energy consumption.


It is impossible to talk about automation without talking about AI, because artificial intelligence is the main technology of an autonomous car, however, here the idea is connectivity between vehicles.

The idea is that the cars of the future will be connected to a shared network according to their positioning. With this, vehicles will be able to communicate with each other different parameters such as speed, distance and other information.

This constant communication, complemented by autonomous driving, could revolutionize traffic, drastically reducing the number of accidents, eliminating traffic jams, increasing traffic speed, and reducing travel times.


For the communication between vehicles become a reality, they will have to be connected to a stable and very fast internet. This is where technologies like 5G come in, providing high-quality signal to vehicles everywhere.

In addition, the internet in the vehicle can be used by passengers, who will be able to connect their electronic devices and work, study, play, etc. In a way, the automotive future is more about in-car entertainment than the driving experience.


One of the most striking transformations of the new generation is taking place in consumer behavior since, for them, the value of the experience is more important than the property.

Taking this into account, companies have considered increasingly flexible solutions for the use of cars without requiring the purchase of the vehicle, for example, car rental or even urban mobility requested by application.


This one looks like science fiction, but we already know it's not!

There are many companies that are investing time and money in different models of flying cars: giants like Embraer and Boing or even startups like Joby Aviation and Klein Vision. All of them with the same desire, which is to improve urban air mobility.

In some ways, the flying car is closer to a drone than a conventional automobile, however, that doesn't change the fact that we are getting closer and closer to popularizing this technology that has always been revered by children's movies and cartoons.

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Games, just for kids?

Games, just for kids?

Author: Roberto Wik

(5 minutes of reading time)

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, thousands of new visitors have turned to gaming platforms to spend their time, causing a massive increase in players and revenue.

The gamer market is huge and grows a lot year after year, not only in Brazil, but all over the world. The gaming market is estimated to have reached figures of US$ 198 billion in 2021 and that it could reach US$ 340 billion by 2027.

The gaming market is highly fragmented, as the demand for online gaming and the growing penetration of mobile apps across the world fuels an intense rivalry among market participants. The main players in the market are Sony Corporation, Microsoft and Nintendo, that keep continually innovating and releasing next generation gaming consoles, further increasing the competition.
The continuous technological advances in the gaming industry are significantly driving the growth of this industry. They are improving the way games are created and improving the overall gaming experience for users.

Game developers, particularly in emerging economies, have been improving the gaming experience by releasing and rewriting code for various consoles/platforms such as PlayStation, Xbox, and Windows PC, embedded in a standalone product delivered to gamers via a cloud platform.

Growing Internet connectivity, increasing smartphone adoption and the advent of high-performance connectivity like 5G have further increased the demand of the gaming market across the world.


The Brazilian gaming market is the largest in Latin America and the 12th largest in the world, estimated at US$ 2.3 billion in 2021 according to Newzoo research, with a growing consumption of games for desktop and mobile devices. Despite this, the country still has enormous potential to develop this market, mainly thanks to the increased availability of internet access and smartphones. It is estimated that about 95 million Brazilians currently play online games, more than 85 million using cell phones.
Interestingly, most of them are female (51.5%), with the mobile gaming market having a significantly higher number of female players – 62.2%. More than half of gamers are under the age of 34, and during the pandemic, 51.5% of gamers spent more time playing online with friends. And with that, 42.2% began to spend more money on games.


The landscape for game development in Brazil has been changing significantly in recent years, with the increasing presence of games created by local developers that are beginning to gain attention from publishers, consoles, and international audiences.

From 2014 to 2018, the number of game developers went from 142 to 375, that is, it increased by 164%. With the growing gaming market, there are more and more opportunities to enter it.

With this positive scenario, it is no surprise that game producers invest heavily in the manufacture of new games, as there is no shortage of market. Among some of the Brazilian companies that develop games, and their outstanding games are Aquiris with the game Horizon Chase Turbo, Wildlife Studios with the games Zooba and Tennis Clash, Yupi Devshop with Vila Saudável, and Tapps Games with the games Bid Wars and MyBoo.

In addition to these, companies such as Magazine Luiza, one of the largest retailers in Brazil, took a big step in July 2021 by buying KaBuM, a leading company in gamer technology. The goal is to mark territory in the giant gamer market and leverage the superapp.

Another novelty in this market came from three different branches – NuBank, Ambev and iFood, but with the same target: the games market! The partnership between the companies aims to be one of the biggest initiatives in the country for games, through the GG WP (Good Game WP).

As can be seen, Brazilian companies dedicate and invest to produce increasingly interesting and attractive games, capable of attracting the attention of players from all over the world.

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Author: Roberto Wik is a business executive, a management, digital transformation and technology consultant, entrepreneur and investor. (

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But after all, what is 5G?

But after all, what is 5G?

Author: Roberto Wik

(7 minutes of reading time)

5G is the fifth-generation wireless technology. In 4G, we have for example video calls and audio messages, communicating with anyone anywhere in the world instantly. 4G came to people. And 5G doesn't. 5G came to change the lives of industries.

It will be a revolution in the industries, bringing a high productivity gain and communicating the entire production chain. A discussion of 5G technology is really a discussion of delivering life-changing technologies through next-generation networks.

5G networks and services will be rolled out in stages over the next few years to accommodate the growing reliance on mobile and internet-enabled devices. Overall, 5G is expected to generate a variety of new applications, uses and business cases as the technology rolls out.


Wireless networks are made up of cell sites divided into sectors that send data over radio waves. Fourth generation (4G) LTE (Long-Term Evolution) wireless technology provides the foundation for 5G (fifth generation). Unlike 4G, which requires large, high-powered cell towers to radiate signals over greater distances, 5G wireless signals are transmitted through large numbers of small cell stations located in places such as light poles or building roof tops. The use of multiple small cells is necessary because the millimeter wave (MM wave) spectrum, the spectrum range between 30 and 300 gigahertz (Ghz) that 5G depends on to generate high speeds, can only travel over short distances and is subject to interference from weather and physical obstacles such as buildings or trees.

With 5G, data transmitted over wireless broadband connections can travel at multigigabit speeds, with potential peak speeds of up to 20 gigabits per second (Gbps) by some estimates. These speeds exceed wired network speeds and offer latency of 1 millisecond (ms) or less, which is useful for solutions that require real-time feedback. 5G will allow for a marked increase in the amount of data transmitted over wireless systems due to the greater available bandwidth and advanced antenna technology.
Previous generations of wireless technology used low-frequency spectrum bands. To offset the challenges related to distance and interference in MM waves, the wireless industry is also considering using a lower frequency spectrum for 5G networks so that network operators can use the spectrum they already have to build their new networks. The low frequency spectrum reaches greater distances but has less speed and capacity than the MM wave.


One of the most attractive points for the use of 5G is the benefits for different areas, such as telemedicine, education, agriculture, and transport.

Part of the excellent performance of 5G over previous generations of mobile data is due to the very low latency of a few milliseconds. Among the applications for the common Internet user are the transfer and reception of data in real time, instant loading of videos in very high resolutions (such as 4k and 8k), uninterrupted online games, augmented reality, smart homes, among many others.

With its high speed, low latency, and massive capacity, 5G can make drone delivery, cloud-connected traffic control and other applications reach their potential. From emergency response to global payments to top-notch gaming and entertainment, the possibilities are virtually limitless.

In addition, the 5G network will be able to generate a more immersive experience, with the response time of commands practically zero, which means that pressing a button in the game will cause the action to be performed immediately. When it comes to e-Sports, for example, a millisecond makes all the difference in a decisive play that can lead to victory.


145 years ago, on March 10, 1876, Scottish inventor Graham Bell made the first telephone call in history. Almost 150 years later, on March 9, 2021, a new history of telecommunications began in Brazil with the first video call using standalone 5G technology (pure 5G).

In November 2021, the 5G auction was held, which ended with a balance of BRL 46.7 billion and five new telecommunications operators in Brazil in addition to the traditional ones.

The telecommunications sector in Brazil, dominated today by giants such as Vivo, Claro and TIM (which won the main lots in the auction, linked to the 3.5 GHz frequency), also has large companies such as Algar Telecom and Sercomtel, which also won lots. New operators such as Grupo Brisanet, based in Ceará, Cloud2U belongs to Grupo Greatek, based in São José dos Campos, Winity Telecom, controlled by Pátria Investimentos, Consórcio 5G Sul and Neko Serviços also acquired lots to offer access to the 5G in several locations across the country.

Summing up, 5G is not just an evolution, as we saw it happening from 2G to 3G and then to 4G. It is a completely new technological scenario that will open several possibilities in practically all segments of the economy, making it possible to create new products and services that will have a significant impact on our daily lives and business.

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Author: Roberto Wik is a business executive, a management, digital transformation and technology consultant, entrepreneur and investor. (

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The Future of Retail

The Future of Retail

Author: Roberto Wik

(4 minutes of reading time)

January is always a special month for the global retail industry. It is in this month that, each year, the NRF (National Retail Federation), one of the largest retail events in the world, takes place in New York and brings together more than 15,000 retailers, suppliers, and specialists from different locations.

This year, several topics already raised in the past and that continue to make retailers concerned remained on the agenda, such as the issue of hyper-personalization, the integration between the physical and digital world and lessons learned during the pandemic on how consumer power will continue to drive change in the industry. In fact, the consumer and his way of thinking and acting remain a complex puzzle. In the next 10 years the younger generations (Alphas and Z) will represent more than 50% of the world's population. And the question is: what is the best way to communicate with this audience? How is their consumption profile? What are their preferred payment methods? What or who influences their choices?

Among the “new” themes, I would like to highlight three of them:


In fact, this was “the” great topic and “the” great word that emerged in this edition of the NRF. Although surrounded by many unknowns, the topic permeated almost all the discussions at the event on how retail can transform itself based on this concept.

Will physical stores be able to operate in metaverse environments?

Will the metaverse be the new omnichannel model?

Can the metaverse be monetized?

Despite being a trend for the next 5 to 10 years, companies are already moving to insert this technology into their strategies. While some retail influencers have remained skeptical about the metaverse's merits and/or longevity, there are companies that believe in the metaverse and are already selling there. After all, you wouldn't want your avatar to be running around naked, would you?

The possibilities really seem to be endless for brands in this avatar economy, as avatars will broaden the scope of the brands narrative.

ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance)

Discussions of good environmental, social and governance practices have been gaining strength and investors have discovered that, more sustainable companies, provide greater long-term returns.

Consumers globally are also exercising their purchasing power with more intent and impact, making decisions based on a brand's ESG commitments, creating more pressure for brands to prove ESG success. According to research by the IBM Institute for Business Value, 62% of consumers are willing to change their shopping habits to reduce their environmental impact.

The constant changes and climate impacts on the planet, in addition to greater consumer awareness, have made brands work to reduce their impacts on nature, as well as find viable alternatives for the health of the planet.


Technology, both existing and emerging technologies, is playing an increasingly important role in the retail journey. Leading tech companies are striving to provide technologies that will help retailers take the customer experience to the next level. Technologies such as IoT (internet of things) are helping retailers to digitally transform their processes and even their business model with the adoption of smart shopping carts, automatic checkouts, smart displays, among others. Technology will be the main catalyst in providing a data-driven, blended customer experience.

It is worth noting that technology is not just for the consumer. Many retailers are also taking employees into account and equipping them with the devices they need to make their jobs easier.

Anyway, the NRF announcements gave us a glimpse into the future of retail. New solutions that will change the way retailers reach consumers and how consumers shop is being thought, built and tested at every turn.

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Author: Roberto Wik is a business executive, a management, digital transformation and technology consultant, entrepreneur and investor. (

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