Site Reliability Engineering

(7 minutes reading)

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), is a discipline that combines software engineering and operations to build, deploy and maintain systems.

SRE aims to build highly available and scalable systems. To achieve this, SRE teams use a variety of tools and techniques, including automation, monitoring, and incident response.

SRE is a relatively new field, but it has already had a big impact on the way companies operate. Google was one of the first companies to adopt the SRE principles, and since that it has been adopted by many other organizations.


SRE is a software engineering discipline that focuses on the availability, scalability, and performance of software systems.

SRE teams are responsible for ensuring that systems are always available and performing well, as well as being able to quickly scale to meet demand.

Google's SRE team was founded in 2003 and the company has been using the SRE model ever since.


It takes more than just technical knowledge to become an SRE. The job requires a combination of skills, including:

1) The ability to learn new technologies quickly. As an SRE, you will be responsible for managing a wide variety of systems. That means you need to learn new technologies as they are released and keep up with the latest industry trends.

2) Strong problem-solving skills. When something goes wrong with a system, it's up to the SRE to fix it. This requires the ability to quickly identify the root cause of the problem and come up with a plan to correct it.

3) Excellent communication skills. An SRE needs to be able to communicate effectively with technical and non-technical personnel.


Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) is a field that combines software engineering and operations. The main objective of SRE is to create highly reliable and scalable software systems. To achieve this, SRE teams focus on three key areas: availability, latency, and efficiency.

Availability refers to the uptime of a system or the percentage of time a system is operational. For example, a highly available system might have an uptime of 99.999%, which means it is down only for less than 5 minutes per year.

Latency refers to the amount of time it takes for a request to be processed by a system. A system with low latency will be able to process requests quickly, while a system with high latency will take longer to process requests.

Efficiency refers to the use of resources by a system.


DevOps is a software development methodology that combines aspects of software development and operations. The goal of DevOps is to reduce the time between committing a change to code and deploying that change to production.

The SRE is a set of practices that aim to reduce outages and improve service availability and resilience. SREs are responsible for keeping systems running, which includes incident response, monitoring, and capacity planning.

While DevOps and SRE aim to improve the speed and quality of software deployments, they take different approaches. DevOps focuses on automating the process of code changes, while SRE focuses on improving systems reliability.


SRE work is a process that begins with the development of a product or service. Once the product or service is developed, it is implemented in a system. The system is then monitored and maintained by the SRE team.

The SRE team works to identify and resolve issues that may arise while using the product or service. They also work to improve overall system performance. In addition, they work to ensure that the system meets all the safety and security requirements.


As the world of software development becomes more complex, the role of automation in SRE becomes more critical. Here we explore how and why to automate the SRE.

The ever-increasing pace of software development means that manual processes are no longer viable. To keep up, we need to automate. Automation allows us to move faster and make fewer mistakes.

When it comes to SRE, automation can help with a variety of tasks, from monitoring and logging to deployments and rollbacks. By automating these tasks, we can free up time for more important work, like improving our services or responding to incidents.

Ultimately, automation is essential to maintain a high level of quality in our services. By automating the boring and repetitive tasks, we can focus on the interesting and important work that will make our services better.


SRE is a type of engineering that focuses on improving the quality and reliability of software products. This engineering discipline can be applied to any type of software development, from web applications to mobile applications. SREs use a variety of tools and techniques to identify and fix software defects before they become customer-facing issues.

SREs also work closely with developers to prevent defects from occurring in the first place. By following best practices for coding, testing, and deploying code changes, SREs can help reduce the number of production incidents. In addition, SREs can help improve the efficiency of development teams by automating tasks such as deployment and monitoring.

The benefits of SRE go beyond improving software quality. When done correctly, SRE can also lead to faster development cycles, reduced costs, and greater customer satisfaction.

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Testing your Software

Testing your Software

(7 minutes of reading time)

In the world of technology, software testing is a process used to verify that a program is behaving as expected. This process can help identify errors, failures, or bugs that may be present in the code.

In addition, software testing can also verify that the program meets all user requirements and expectations. It is important because it helps ensure that the final product is high quality and error free.

It can help identify errors, defects or bugs in a program and ensure that it is fit for purpose. It can also provide valuable information about the usability, stability, and scalability of the software. To help you better understand the subject, we created this article. Follow the content and learn more!


Software testing is the process of verifying the functionality of a software program. It is an important quality assurance step that helps ensure that the software meets customer requirements.

There are many different types of software testing, but they all share the same goal: to find errors and bugs in the software so they can be fixed before the final product is released to users.

Software testing can be done manually or with automated tools. Automated tools can help speed up the process by running tests automatically, but they can also be expensive to set up and maintain (to read more about test automation, see this other article from our blog: Test Automation)

Manual testing is often more time consuming but can be more thorough as it allows testers to interact directly with the software.

Regardless of the method used, software testing is an essential part of developing high-quality software products.


There are many benefits to software testing. Perhaps the most important benefit is that it can help identify errors in the software before it is released to customers. This can save the company time and money, as well as avoid customer frustration.

Another benefit of software testing is that it can help improve software quality. By finding and fixing bugs during the development process, the final product will be much better.

Testing can also help ensure that new features work as expected before they are added to the software.

Overall, testing helps ensure that the software is of high quality and works well for users. It's an essential part of the development process and can save you time and money in the long run.


Software testing is a process of verifying the functionality of a software program.

It is an important process because it helps ensure that the software meets users' requirements, is free from defects, and works as expected.

Without software testing, there would be no way to know if the software meets users' expectations or if it has any defects. This can lead to serious issues like data loss, security vulnerabilities and crashes.

Testing is essential to ensure that the software works as intended and is suitable for use. It is defined as a process of evaluating the quality of software products, comparing the actual result with the expected.

The purpose of testing is to find bugs and other issues in an application before it is released to end users so they can be fixed before release.


Software testing is a process that assesses the quality of a software program. There are many different types of software testing, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Below we list each of them. Check out:


Unit tests are written by developers to test individual units of code, such as classes and methods.

They are usually small and focused, making them easy to write and run. However, because unit tests only test small pieces of code, they can miss errors in the overall system.


Integration testing focuses on testing how different units of code work together.

For example, an integration test might test how a class interacts with a database. Integration tests are more difficult to write than unit tests, but they can find errors that unit tests do not.


Regression testing is a type of software testing that confirms that changes made to the software did not cause errors in existing and previously tested functionality.

It is typically performed at a module or component level but can also be performed at an end-to-end system level.


It is used to test a system end-to-end, to verify its performance (e.g., entering a user, using system functionality, logging off).


Beta testing, also known as acceptance testing, is the final stage of testing software before it is released to the public.

Through it, real users test the software to ensure it meets their needs and expectations.

Its importance is because it allows developers to identify and fix any remaining bugs or problems before the software is made available to everyone.

It can be performed internally by the development team or by external users who are not part of the team.

Internal beta testing is usually done on a small scale with a limited number of users. The external, in turn, is carried out on a larger scale with a wider group of users.

Beta testers may have special access to new features or may be asked to provide feedback on their experience using the software. It is an important step in ensuring that the software is ready for release.

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Waterfall x Agile

Waterfall x Agile

(7 minutes of reading time)

There are two popular development methodologies: agile and waterfall. Both have their pros and cons, but how to choose the ideal one for your project?

The Agile methodology is all about short development cycles, called sprints. This means that features are developed and delivered incrementally, allowing for feedback and changes along the way.

The Waterfall methodology, on the other hand, focuses on delivering a complete product in one go. So, which one should you choose? That's what we'll be dealing with in this article. Follow the content and learn more!


Waterfall methodology is a linear approach to software development that is often contrasted with the more agile approach of scrum.

In the waterfall model, developers complete a development phase before moving on to the next phase. This contrasts with scrum, which uses an iterative approach in which all phases of development are completed for each sprint.

The main feature of the Waterfall model is its linearity. This means that each development phase must be completed before moving on to the next phase. This can often lead to delays if issues are discovered at later stages, as they must be fixed before proceeding.

The model is best suited for projects where requirements are well understood and unlikely to change. The main advantage of the waterfall model is its predictability.


The Waterfall methodology is a linear approach to software development that consists of eight distinct phases:


The project team considers several options, evaluates all of them, and develops the plan that will be implemented later. The plan will then be evaluated for its cost-effectiveness and will be finalized with an estimation of the entire project.


Task objectives, requirements, and schedule are carefully documented at this stage. Members will be convened or contracted to compose the team as it expands the scope of work with purpose, results, and objectives.


The requirements analysis step is followed by more detailed documentation training.


In this phase, designers develop storyboards, models, and wireframes to help visualize a project layout. They assess and review requirements, set team goals, develop an action plan, and the result is a clear framework.


In this step, developers break the software construction into its elements and start the process of coding these elements.


The software built goes through many tests to eliminate all errors. This often involves additional coding to fix the software's source code.


The final product is used by consumers at this point.


Developers must create a support framework to support issues related to patches and bug fixes. Patches can also be used to add new features to stay competitive in the market.


The Agile methodology is a type of project management that is characterized by its iterative and incremental approach. It is a process that is designed to be flexible and responsive to change. Agile methodology is often used in software development projects, but it can be applied to other types of projects as well.

There are several key principles that underpin the agile methodology:

- Individuals and interactions over processes and tools: The focus should be on the people involved in the project and how they interact with each other, not processes and tools.

- Working software over comprehensive documentation: The priority should be to create working software rather than generating extensive documentation.

- Customer collaboration on contract negotiation: There should be a focus on customer collaboration rather than contract negotiation.


There are several concepts in Agile software development:


Agile development tends to focus on making the product as simple as possible. That is, they follow the most convenient steps to obtain high-quality results from the work. As a result, developers reduce complexity and bloat that can profoundly affect performance.


The methodology values teamwork. Teams must constantly work together and find ways to improve and become more efficient.


Agile requires customer operations and teams to collaborate closely so customers are fully satisfied with software improvements. This helps provide every change with an early release and feedback on the results for your highest level of service.


Rather than pressuring employees with faster deadlines and being given unfinished tasks, agile development means promoting more sustainable development modes.


Agile tests the product over an extended planning cycle, rather than just at completion. Short sprints allow the developer to constantly test for quality and provide feedback on the project.


The Agile methodology highlights the benefits of promoting needs correction, structure, deliverables, and design during project development. It is a great option for software development.


There are several important differences between Waterfall and Agile methodology. Perhaps the most obvious difference is that Waterfall is a linear approach, while Agile is more interactive.

In other words, with Waterfall you complete one phase of the project before moving on to the next, while with Agile you work on small parts of the project simultaneously.

Another important difference is that in Waterfall there is more emphasis on documentation, while Agile relies more on face-to-face communication.

This can be traced back to the linear nature of Waterfall, where each phase needs to be clearly documented before proceeding, whereas with Agile, everyone is assumed to know what needs to be done and how it fits into the rest of the project.

Finally, due to its iterative nature, Agile is much more flexible and able to adapt to change than Waterfall.

If you want to read more about agile methodologies, check out this other article on our blog: Agile Methodologies

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(6 minutes of reading time)

GitHub is a cloud source code repository and file hosting platform with version control using Git.

The platform was conceived by the same creator of the Linux system and has established itself as one of the most important tools for project development.

With GitHub, programmers or any user registered on the platform can contribute to private or open-source projects from anywhere in the world.

Today, GitHub is widely used by programmers to publicize their work or for other programmers to contribute to the project, in addition to promoting easy communication through features that report problems or merge remote repositories.

Easy to use, GitHub makes it possible for several members of the same team to work together on a project, each making their own version. Instead of having priority levels, all team members have the same chance to present the work, which goes through the leader's approval later.

It is used worldwide and has more than 36 million active users contributing to commercial or personal projects. Today GitHub hosts more than 100 million projects, some of which are known worldwide, such as: WordPress, GNU/Linux, Atom, and Electron.

Read our text today, to understand how GitHub works and why it is one of the most powerful and popular tools among developers!


But before we talk about this important tool, do you know what GIT is?

GIT is a Distributed Version Control System (DVCS). They have the function of recording any changes made on top of a code, storing this information, and allowing, if necessary, the programmer to revert to previous versions of an application in a simple and fast way.

Thus, it facilitates the process of sharing a project with a team, for example, or with other programmers.

One of the biggest advantages of using GIT is the saving of time and resources, since the consultation of different versions of the same application is very common in the programmer's work.

Also, because it is a distributed system, Git has repositories, not just a single place with the history of your work.

Now let's go back to GitHub.


GitHub was born from Git, the main difference between them is the interaction provided by GitHub, which today works very similarly to a social network. GitHub is today one of the biggest virtual meeting points for programmers from around the world.

GitHub makes it easy to control versions of a software or application. It is also the largest repository of open-source software on the entire internet, including Microsoft as one of its biggest contributors.

GitHub's features go far beyond that. When a project is developed, even after being released, updates, corrections and other adjustments happen. So, that the code base is not lost, GitHub allows you to track each of the changes made separately, keeping the initial product protected in case it needs to be reviewed in the future.


There are numerous advantages to using GitHub. Here are some of them:

- The chance to meet more experienced and specialized programmers and learn from them.

- Possibility to monitor and collaborate with different projects.

- Learn programming by doing and by watching other programmers' application development progress.

- Participate in discussions about new technologies.

- Get help from other programmers to solve problems related to your projects.

- Control different versions of a code with cloud storage.

- Register actions and projects developed by you in a kind of online portfolio.


GitHub is inside the Git platform and works as a kind of cloud project manager, making work more cohesive and organized.

GitHub's main functionality is copying repositories from one account to another, so all programmers can incorporate changes into the project and the leader decides which ones to keep.

But what are repositories?

They are the environments created to store your codes. You can have one or more repositories, public or private, local, or remote, and they can store not only the codes themselves to be modified, but also images, audios, files and other elements related to your project.

It is through their public repositories that other programmers will be able to access their codes on GitHub and can even clone them to add improvements.

Copying repositories is done with branch. Each developer can pull a branch and make the changes they seem important, without altering the original file.

At the end of the project, these branches will be merged with the original code, with the merge functionality. But for that, the team must be warned, and the best way to do that is with the pull request tool.

The fork is another interesting feature of GitHub, with it you can make a copy of an existing project, using the code as a reference to create something and customize it.


GitHub cares a lot about data privacy and gives the option for those who prefer to subscribe to a package to keep the data on its own servers.

In addition, the creators of the platform are constantly improving security, in addition to following European GDPR information protection laws.

So, it's perfectly safe to use GitHub for small and large projects.


Today, GitHub is the fastest version control system on the market. It provides its user with a great optimization of time and resources.

In addition, it gives programmers and programming students the opportunity to interact and observe projects from more experienced professionals.

In short, GitHub is an extremely complete platform full of features that make it easier for developers to communicate and work.

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Scrum Framework

Scrum Framework

(7 minutes of reading time)

To simplify complex problems and offer a simplified approach that is highly capable of solving them effectively, the agile world relies heavily on agile methods and the scrum framework, as they represent the basis of this paradigm. Whether used in organizations or on personal projects, the application of scrum has proven to be critical. The results it produces are impressive, which is why it has become so widespread.

It is a progressive, iterative, and incremental way of working that was originally developed for the agile and software development community. It allows tasks to be broken down into individual activities so that they can be completed at various times by two or more people. This approach has proven to increase the scalability and agility of projects in the long term.

However, it is important to understand the concepts to maximize your potential. For this it is crucial that individuals are aware of how they differ and how each can be beneficial depending on the task you are trying to complete.

To help you understand, in this article we will explain everything you need to know about the subject. Keep following our content and learn more!


Before we explain what a Scrum framework is, it is necessary to understand what agile methods are. Check out!

The principle of Agile, is a set of practices based on the values described in the Manifesto for Agile Software Development, also known as the “Agile Manifesto”.

This document was signed by IT professionals around the world and aims to guide actions to achieve greater added value and customer satisfaction.

If you want to know more about this subject, read our article about Agile Methodologies.


But what is the Scrum framework anyway?

It refers to a project management methodology. An iterative, incremental process that is designed to manage complex projects.

That is, it is a structure that assumes that the work will be done in short cycles with the objective of maximizing the effectiveness of the team. To prioritize collaboration between individuals and the constant practice of feedback.

Based on these insights, managers from different departments can organize their processes and direct their work towards the micro-objectives of each area and the general objectives of the organization in a transparent, intelligent and efficient way. This helps them to be agile as they work towards long-term goals.

A Scrum works with short cycles called “sprints” that typically last 2-4 weeks. In each sprint, the team works together to create a set of deliverables that are shared with stakeholders for feedback and testing. After each sprint, the team reflects on what went well and what didn't, making changes in subsequent sprints as needed.


To ensure good results from this methodology, it is necessary to follow its three pillars:

- Transparency;
- Inspection;
- Adaptation.


The first pillar ensures that all parties are aware of every step. This helps make everyone involved feel included in the project and will result in better results.


The second pillar aims to follow the development and status of all stages. Understanding the frequency of executions by each team member is important to ensure that the final deliverable is of high quality.


Between Scrum inspection cycles, you can adjust the project scope to suit your business needs. That way, you can complete the project with different results than you initially expected.


The Scrum Team is made up of three main components:

- Product Owner;
- Development Team;
- Scrum Master.


The Product Owner is the person who has the responsibility to decide what will be worked on and make decisions that balance the needs of all stakeholders. That is, they are responsible for:

- Clearly express Product Backlog items;
- Sort Product Backlog items to better achieve goals and missions;
- Optimize the value of the work that the Development Team performs;
- Ensure the Product Backlog is visible, transparent, clear to all, and shows what the Scrum Team will work on next;
- Ensuring that the Development Team understands Product Backlog items at the necessary level.


Development teams are structured to make the most of their skills and focus on the needs of the project. The ideal development team size is small enough to be agile, but large enough to complete significant work in a sprint.


The Scrum Master is responsible for supporting and promoting the implementation of Scrum. They are also responsible for ensuring the project achieves its objectives, managing a successful product backlog and providing support to the team.


The use of Scrum events aims to bring a level of regularity to your process, minimizing the need for meetings. It is important to note that all events must be timed.

The events are the following:


A sprint is a short, fixed period during which a team works to complete a certain amount of work. The next Sprint starts immediately after the previous one is completed.


It precedes the sprint. Your goal is to define what can be delivered in the sprint and how that goal will be achieved.


A 15-minute timed event for the team to synchronize activities and create a plan for the next 24 hours.


It is an action taken at the end of each sprint to inspect what has been accomplished, assess what should be prioritized in future sprints, and adapt the backlog accordingly.


It is an opportunity for the team to inspect itself and create a plan for improvements to be implemented in the next Sprint. This will give them the opportunity to see what works well, what can be improved, and how they can continue to advance their goal.

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Risk Management

Risk Management

(9 minutes of reading time)

The risk management process must be integrated into all levels and activities of an organization, including decision making. This is because risk is an intrinsic part of the company. Regardless of the differentials offered, the strength of the brand and the company's planning.

Companies must have internal controls, but they also need to keep an eye on the outside world. If something important happens in the company, it can disrupt its operations and results.

To decide the best way to deal with adversity, you need smart risk management. Therefore, in today's article we will explain what risk management is, what its objectives are and how to implement it in your company. Check out!


Risk management is the process of anticipating, evaluating, and controlling risk. It is a way of thinking about uncertainty and acting to minimize the negative effects that can affect an organization or project.

It is an important part of any business strategy. It can also be seen as a discipline. It's not just measuring risk; it also involves managing the consequences of risk events and mitigating their effects on stakeholders.

Many companies use risk management software to help them manage risk. This software allows them to prioritize their risks and identify potential threats before they become unmanageable.


Risk is a business term that can be broadly defined as the potential for a loss of value or an adverse event. In other words, it's the chance for something bad to happen.

The Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC) classifies the risks considering the origin (internal or external to the organization) and the nature of the event. Check the ratings:


Companies can face financial risk when they don't have enough cash to sustain their operations. They may also experience this if they have a lot of debt or if their investments are not successful.

To deal with economic risks, generate customized analyzes that allow managers to have better control. This will give them a more accurate view of the company's overall financial health.


It is the chance that a company's business will not be able to meet customer demand or expectations. This includes poor sales, production delays and quality problems that can lead to lost revenue.

Failures of operational processes can be dangerous as they cause delays and therefore lead to losses in the company. There is always a risk of further backsliding when these failures are not properly addressed.

One way to deal with this type of risk is to standardize and integrate your operating procedures.


It is one of the most dangerous risks and encompasses all the threats that a business could face if it does not comply with all laws and regulations. It is important for organizations to know what their legal risks are and how to avoid them.

It can be defined as the possibility of facing legal action because of violating a law or regulation. And it can be reduced by following compliance guidelines and staying within industry standards. Investment in compliance programs is an example of a solution.

To avoid legal risks, companies must stay within industry standards, adhere to compliance guidelines, and follow best practices.

Following are some of the causes of legal risk:

- Infringement of intellectual property rights;
- Breach of contract;
- Privacy violation;
- Violation of consumer protection laws.


Risk components are the factors that can lead to a loss of capital, a decrease in revenue or an increase in expenses. A risk usually has three components: event, consequence, and cause.


As we explained earlier, it is essential that every company has a risk management plan to avoid setbacks and losses.

Risk management is usually done by the company's managers. These professionals analyze and identify the risks that are worth taking and those that are not. Risk-making decisions are controlled by the board of directors or risk committee, depending on the size of the company.

To develop an effective policy for your team, you will need to follow these steps:

- Identify the types of risks you want to manage;
- Identify sources of risk;
- Determine the potential impact of each type of risk;
- Define a strategy to mitigate each type of risk.


In technology companies, in addition to the risks mentioned above, there are some others that need to be managed such as: information leakage, invasions, digital fraud, data loss due to natural disasters, industrial espionage. There is an area of administrative routines aimed at managing each type of problem, called IT risk analysis.

IT risk analysis considers any type of problem. Therefore, the company needs to do a thorough assessment of the infrastructure and be careful not to miss anything.

Here are others some specific risks for the IT area:


The lack of availability of a system or the information necessary for an operation at the right time can prevent the completion of fundamental business transactions. If, in internal customers, this generates frustration, imagine for the external public. This can lead to the loss of one or more customers. If the situation is repeated frequently, it is not difficult to imagine how unavailability can reduce business performance, compromise the company's image in front of the public and even make its survival in the market unfeasible.


Technology advances very fast and equipment obsolescence is also accelerating.

This technological advance can lead companies to lag competitors and lose competitiveness. For this, it is necessary to permanently update the IT infrastructure, which is expensive and unfeasible for many organizations.

Today, there are already some solutions for this type of problem, one can rely in cloud computing and adhere to services such as IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), which transfers the hardware infrastructure to the cloud.


This is a subject that is in vogue due to the Data Protection Act. Most companies work with sensitive information about consumers, suppliers, employees and their own operations. A leak that exposes strategic aspects or customer data generates a series of problems, in addition to financial losses, failures related to confidentiality can create the possibility of digital fraud and cause damage to the company's image and loss of customers and business opportunities.

IT risk management is a fundamental part of a company's success, because with it, technology can be optimized and will have more mechanisms for its protection, maximizing the company's competitiveness.


Risk management is a process that helps to reduce the risk of an event happening. To succeed, companies need to have a risk management strategy in place.

Risk management is an important process for organizations that want to increase their success. This helps them stay ahead of the competition and protect their company's assets from unexpected events such as natural disasters, technology failures and financial losses. It involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating these risks before they can cause any harm.

For example, if your company were an online retailer selling merchandise globally, you would have to manage risk by knowing how your company's policies affect international trade laws.

The following are some of the reasons why risk management is important for a company:

- Avoid loss or damage to goods
- Protection against legal claims
- Maintain compliance with regulations
- Reduce operating costs
- Increase profitability

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Stakeholders Management

Stakeholders Management

(7 minutes of reading time)

The term "stakeholder" is often used in business environments and refers to a party that has an interest in the outcome of an event, project, or process. These are the people who have an interest in the success of a project, who have the power to impact and influence the outcome of the project. This includes customers, suppliers, investors, regulators and more.

But, after all, what are stakeholders, what are their impacts and their importance for business? We explain in this article. Check out!


The concept was created in 1963 by philosopher and management professor Robert Edward Freeman. And it means “interested parties”. The professor defined that the term refers to the group of people who, directly or indirectly, are involved or are impacted by the activities and projects of a company.

According to Freeman, stakeholders are people or groups that have interest in an organization, project, or system. These are the people who are involved in an organization, and include:

- Employees;
- Customers;
- Suppliers;
- Government agencies;
- Regulators;
- Managers;
- Directors;
- Competitors;
- Investors;
- Civil society;
- Environmental groups;
- Financial institutions.

Stakeholders can be split into two categories: internal and external. Internal stakeholders are those within the organization who have a stake in the success of the project, such as employees and managers. External stakeholders are individuals outside the company who may have an interest in the success of the project, such as investors, customers, partners, and suppliers.

There are other subcategories such as:

- Arbitrary Stakeholder;
- Sleeping Stakeholder;
- Claiming Stakeholder;
- Dominant Stakeholder;
- Dependent Stakeholder;
- Definitive Stakeholder;
- Dangerous Stakeholder.


Stakeholder management is a process of identifying, understanding, and managing the stakeholders that are involved in a project. It is also important to understand how they see the project and how they can be engaged.

It can be implemented to gain greater insight from internal and external stakeholders. Which can help organizations identify their strengths and weaknesses before making changes. It also helps them understand how they can better engage with different stakeholders to achieve common goals.

To effectively manage stakeholders, it is important to understand their interests, needs, and goals.


To achieve good stakeholder management, it is important for companies to understand their stakeholders and what they want. This will help companies communicate effectively and earn your trust. And it will help to get more information about how they can improve your product or service.

We list some of the best practices companies can use when managing their stakeholders. We'll look at how they can improve communication, build trust, and gain insights into how they can improve your product or service in doing so.


As we mentioned, your company's stakeholders are the people who will receive your product or service. These are the people you need to make happy and satisfied with your product or service.

Try to describe each group, the role they play and the level of relevance of each.


Developing an action plan for each stakeholder group is a good way to ensure everyone is on the same page. It helps with clarity and efficiency.

A well-organized action plan will also help you stay focused on what you need to do instead of getting distracted by other tasks.


The role of a relationship manager is to establish and maintain relationships with stakeholders. To do this, they need to be able to listen, communicate effectively, respond quickly, and be proactive.

This can be done by providing feedback on how the company is performing against its goals in terms of service quality and customer satisfaction. Many companies have realized that it is not enough to just provide high quality services and products; need to engage with their customers. They also need to understand what their customers want so they can better serve their needs.


There are many benefits to managing stakeholders. It can help get your team on board when you need it most. It also helps to understand how your product will be perceived by the public. And finally, it helps you manage conflicting interests among your team members, so everyone is on board with the same goal.

The following are some of the ways stakeholder management can help.

- Ensuring that all stakeholders are understood and included;
- Provide opportunities for feedback and input from all stakeholders;
- Establish clear lines of communication with all stakeholders;
- Identify potential conflicts before they arise;
- Increase your organization's overall performance;
- Helps create a more cohesive team;
- Building trust and collaboration among your employees;
- Building a stronger brand image.


Stakeholders and shareholders are two terms that are often confused. Both refer to people who have an interest in an organization or project. However, there are some differences between the two.


It encompasses all interested parties who depend on a company. It is divided into primary and secondary categories and can positively or negatively affect the company's progress or decision making.


These are people who invest capital in the organization to help it grow. That is, individuals who own shares in a company.

They can vote to elect directors to lead the business and appoint directors to manage day-to-day operations. The board of directors then hires managers who carry out its instructions in executing the business plan.

Typically, they are entitled to receive dividends from their investments as well as voting rights. In addition to certain legal rights with respect to corporate actions such as mergers and acquisitions.

The shareholder is usually an individual or legal entity. The person or company may also be an institutional investor.

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Effective Budget Management

Effective Budget Management

(7 minutes of reading time)

The term budget can be understood as an amount of resources that can be used in many ways and in various situations, but it is mostly associated with money in the business sense. In a business context, budgeting means ensuring that there are enough resources to complete a project or objective within a certain period.

In marketing, the budget is also useful because it helps companies to set their goals and ensure they have enough funds to achieve their goals.

Budget it is often used as a measure of resources available to an organization or project. This helps to define how much the company should spend, therefore, it's important to know what you're working with before you start writing or creating content for your company.

Therefore, the budget is important because it can help keep your finances under control and ensure that you do not spend more than you have, having greater control over the cash flow of your business and ensuring better financial health for the company.


A budget is an important tool for managing your finances, it is a plan that helps you decide what to spend, where to spend it and when to spend it.

Therefore, we can say that it is one of the most important aspects of managing any business. It can be a daunting task to manage and ensure your business stays on track. Below are some tips on how to manage your budget efficiently.


Cash flow is one of the most important aspects of running a business. It's especially important for small businesses because they don't have a lot of cash reserves.

It must be monitored to ensure that there is enough money available to cover all expenses. There are many things that can affect cash flow, such as sales, expenses, and even other income streams.

It is very important to keep an eye on your company's cash flow and have enough resources to cover all expenses. Even so, it is not enough just to keep an eye on your cash flow, but also ensure that you have enough funds to cover all expenses.

This includes tracking which accounts are due, when they are due, and how much they will cost. There are many tools available online that can help you with this task.


A crisis plan must be created to manage your budget efficiently. It should include all possible scenarios that could happen and how you are going to deal with them.

The first step in creating a crisis plan is knowing what your budget looks like. This includes your monthly income, fixed expenses, and variable expenses. A crisis plan should also include what you will do if there is a sudden change in income or an unexpected increase in fixed expenses.

To start creating your risk plan and maintain the company's financial health, it is essential to think about some very important points, which are:

• What are the risks involved?
• What are the consequences?
• What is your risk tolerance level?
• How do you want to reduce the risks?


An analysis of your company's performance is the first step to managing your budget efficiently. For example, you can use it to find out which departments are performing well, and which need more funding.

You can also use this analysis to decide if you need more employees or if there is a better way to manage your budget.

The purpose of an analysis is to give you a deep understanding of what's going on with your business and how much money you're spending on different things.

This will help you make informed decisions about how much money the company should spend on certain initiatives and which areas need more funding.

Depending on the size of your company, an analysis can be carried out by a team or just one person who has access to all the necessary data.


In the digital age, enterprise resource management software can help companies to better manage their finances. These software can be used for various purposes such as budgeting, forecasting and risk solving.

With the help of a software, the company can forecast its financial performance in an easier way. This helps in planning to increase revenue and reduce costs, considering both revenue drivers and cost drivers.

It also provides insights into a company's financial performance with data-driven reporting and analysis. The software can be used by any business owner or manager who wants to keep track of their finances while they are managing their other responsibilities, but it is recommended to have the follow-up of a professional.


Budget management is a crucial aspect of any company's success. It's important to understand how your budget works, who it affects, and what its purpose is.

The strategic planning of a company should be the first thing you should consider when defining a budget. The strategic plan should help you decide how much money to spend on each department, what the goals are, and how long it will take to achieve them.

It is worth remembering that when it comes to managing the budget, companies need to balance their costs and revenues. This is because they need to ensure that they can fund their strategic plan.

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Planning Fallacy

Planning Fallacy

(4 minutes of reading time)

How many times, when you get up and do your daily plan, you plan item by item including your work schedule, physical activity, some leisure and fun but, when you sit in front of the computer, you realize that you underestimated the time needed to perform an activity and time goes away... and 12 hours later you were unable to complete even one of the activities?

For psychology, this act of being optimistic with the time needed to develop a task has a name: Planning Fallacy.

Every day we are victims of the planning fallacy, and it's not because we procrastinate or because we lack the maturity or knowledge to perform a certain task. It's simply optimism in planning our time, after all, who doesn't want to include dozens of activities in a single day? But most of the time we underestimate the time needed and find ourselves frustrated for never being able to complete everything we planned.

In today's text we will talk a little more about how to avoid this frustration caused by the planning fallacy!

The concept of planning fallacy was created by the economists and psychologists Daniel Kahneman (Nobel Prize winner and author of the book “Fast and Slow”) and Amos Tversk. It is the name given to a cognitive bias that explains how we, humans, tend to underestimate the time it will take to complete a task, swearing it will take less time than it actually will. This phenomenon sometimes occurs regardless of the individual's knowledge that previous tasks of a similar nature took longer to complete than usually planned.

In 2003, Kahneman expanded this definition to the tendency to underestimate not only the time but also the costs and risks of these actions. According to this definition, the planning fallacy results not only in time overruns, but also in cost overruns and benefit reduction. Thus, we see projects all over the world that are delayed and end up costing much more than expected and thousands of business plans quickly sink.

Research confirms that the planning fallacy is far more common than we realize. In schools and universities, it can be observed among both students and staff. In the IT area studies show that less than a third of projects meet the initial deadline.

The planning fallacy can also help us understand why people don't file their tax returns on time, year after year, leave their Christmas shopping to the last minute, and often show up late for work. In all cases, past delays do not reduce the chances of meeting the deadline in the future. In other words, we already have experiences in these activities and even so, year after year we continue to be late. That's because, one theory is that the planning fallacy results from our broader tendency to focus on the details of a scenario rather than the big picture – what Kahneman calls considering the "inside view". And the problem is that our failures to meet deadlines are usually due to less predictable and more general factors, such as distractions caused by other tasks, commuting difficulties or even illness.

It is setbacks like the ones mentioned above that have probably caused us to miss deadlines in the past. Now, recognizing this fact can help us anticipate some of these issues in the future. However, by focusing too much on highly specific details of our current task and ignoring our past experiences, we fail to consider the chances of delay and errors.

The circumstances of current and past projects may not be exactly the same, but these past experiences can serve as a basis to help set a more realistic timeline, which you can refine with specific details.


Here are some tips to avoid those project delivery delays that keep IT professionals up at night:

1) Do not underestimate your previous experiences, they are essential for you to be realistic and regarding the execution time of each task.

2) Organize your priority list so you don't waste time on non-essential tasks.

3) Learn to delegate tasks if that's possible.

4) If it is necessary to change any deadline, do it as soon as possible, so your customer will have time to organize themselves.

Following these tips, we will be less prone to unproductivity, not to mention that we can greatly improve our quality of life.

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Agile Methodologies

Agile Methodologies

(7 minutes of reading time)

Agile methodologies are a group of software development methods that were created to face the challenges of the sector, whether in creation, development or even in the productivity of the professional. It is an iterative and incremental approach that allows a system to be built efficiently and effectively.

These methodologies are an alternative to traditional, phased or waterfall models of software development. They are designed to be adaptable and flexible to changing customer needs and requirements.

Created in 2001, some of the main values that the methodologies address value interaction, collaboration and focus on future changes in the sector. Check out the main values below:

- People and interactions over processes or tools;
- Customer collaboration over contract negotiation;
- Working software rather than documentation;
- Response to change over the idea of following a fixed and unchanging plan.

The basic principles of the Agile Methodology are: Value generation, Flexibility, Frequency, Union, Motivation, Communication, Functionality, Sustainability, Review, Simplicity, Organization and Self-Assessment.


The Extreme Programming (XP) methodology is an agile software development process that emphasizes collaboration and feedback. It is based on the Agile Manifesto and is designed to be adaptable to different projects. It allows the team to deliver projects in a shorter time frame with fewer defects.

Therefore, we can understand that the XP methodology is a software development process designed to help the developer create the best possible project. It does this by focusing on frequent, incremental development to release a project that is working and can be improved over time.

It is important for companies to invest in up-to-date IT solutions with the latest technologies. This will allow them to work more efficiently and spend less time on tasks that do not add value to their business.

This methodology has been used by many companies and other organizations to ensure the success of their product development. Some of the advantages are:

1. Faster delivery of software products;
2. Improved quality;
3. Reduced maintenance cost;
4. Agility in the programming and project development process.


The Scrum method is a framework for project management. It is based on iterative and incremental development, where progress is measured by work products, not extensive documentation. The Scrum team is composed of the product owner, the development team, and a facilitator (scrum master).

Hence, this method is regarded as a popular project management approach that helps teams and companies work more efficiently.

It is designed to be used with small groups of people, which means it can be very effective in the workplace. Even so, it was designed to be flexible and scalable to meet the needs of any organization, from startups to large enterprises.

Scrum has many benefits for both the company and team members. For example, it allows for a more efficient workflow as it breaks large projects into smaller, manageable pieces.

This means there is less clutter and more innovation within the company. Team members also benefit from this as they have more autonomy in their tasks and responsibilities.

Thus, the Scrum method is a good choice for companies that want to improve the way they manage projects or want to introduce agile practices into their company's culture. This process originated by the Scrum methodology divides the work into manageable parts, with a tight feedback loop to allow for constant improvement, namely:

- Planning;
- Execution;
- Monitor and measure progress;
- Adaptation process;
- Closing the project.


Agile software development, as mentioned before, is an iterative, incremental, and adaptive process. It is an approach to software development that relies on stakeholder feedback to determine priorities. It also emphasizes the importance of collaboration with the customer or end user, in addition to adaptive planning, evolutionary design, and continuous improvement.

The agile approach is based on the idea that you cannot predict all the requirements for a software system in advance. You need to be able to quickly respond to changes as you go along.

There are many different types of agile frameworks, but they all have some basic principles in common:

- The team must be self-organizing and cross-functional;
- Professionals must be empowered to make decisions about the best way to complete their work;
- The team must have access to necessary information from other teams so that their work can be integrated.

Therefore, the goal of agile software development is to work in a flexible, collaborative, and fast way that produces the desired product in the shortest possible time. Team members are empowered to make decisions quickly and are expected to be innovative while delivering quality products.


As you can see, Agile Methodologies are based on a set of principles and practices designed to help teams develop better projects. It's a process that helps teams take care of project needs and requirements from start to finish.

They help design more assertive projects, as they offer a flexible structure that allows teams to work together more efficiently. It's not just about writing code, it's also about how to collaborate with stakeholders, customers, and other team members.

As we mentioned earlier in the content, agile methodologies encourage team members to work collaboratively, share knowledge and promote more organized and planning teams.

They also encourage customer feedback along the way, which helps design projects with their needs in mind. Therefore, agile methodologies have been shown to be efficient in the elaboration of more assertive projects, helping teams to focus on the development of a product, as well as its delivery.

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