
Is it Still Worth Learning C++?

(7 minutes of reading)

C++ is still a very popular programming language and is used in many large projects. It has a lot of features and can be very powerful. However, it can also be quite complex and difficult to learn. So, is it still worth learning C++? Let's talk about this in our text today. Come read!


C++ was created in 1979 by Bjarne Stroustrup while working on his doctoral thesis at Bell Labs. He was trying to add object-oriented programming to the C programming language. C++ was released for commercial use in 1985, but it wasn't until 1998 that the ISO standardized it.


Despite its complexity, C++ has many benefits that are worth learning about.

First, C++ is an object-oriented language, which means that it helps developers create modular code that is easy to understand and maintain. This makes it an ideal choice for large projects with multiple developers. Second, C++ is very fast and efficient, making it suitable for resource-intensive applications like video games or scientific simulations. Third, C++ has a wide variety of libraries available that provide ready-made solutions to common programming tasks.

Overall, learning C++ can be difficult at first, but it's a very rewarding experience. Those who are willing to put in the time and effort will find it a valuable skill that they can use to create amazing things.


C++ is a notoriously difficult language to learn, and even experienced developers can struggle when trying to use it. Here are 5 of the biggest cons of learning C++:

1) The syntax can be incredibly confusing, especially for beginners.

2) There are many different ways to do things in C++, which can make it difficult to know which the best way is to do something.

3) C++ compilers can be very demanding, and even a small mistake can cause your code not to compile correctly.

4) C++ code can be difficult to read, especially if it's not written well.

5) The C++ standard library is big and complicated, and understanding all the different functions and classes can take a lot of time.


C++ is a powerful programming language that allows developers to create sophisticated systems. With C++ it is possible to develop software for a wide variety of platforms, from small embedded systems to large corporate systems.

Furthermore, C++ is widely used in scientific and engineering applications because of its ability to handle complex calculations. In short, C++ provides developers with a versatile tool for creating high-quality software.


As you can imagine, C++ is an extremely important language and, therefore, it is still used in many projects.

C++ is a versatile language that can be used for a variety of purposes. The programming language is widely used in:

- Software development for various systems;

- Application creation;

- Embedded systems programming;

- Game engine development;

- Creating desktop applications.


C++ is a powerful programming language that has been around for over three decades. Although not as widespread today as languages like Python or Java, it remains popular with experienced developers for its flexibility and performance.

In recent years, C++'s popularity has seen a resurgence, in part, due to increased development of games and other high-performance applications.

Despite its age, C++ continues to evolve and be improved by the programming community. The latest version, C++17, was released in 2017 and introduced several new features, including structured bindings and improved support for constexpr functions. The most current version of C++, C++20, finished in 2020, includes many improvements such as coroutines and modules.

With its long development history and active community, C++ remains an important language in the programming world today.


C++ is a versatile programming language that has been around for decades. Although it was created in 1979, it is still widely used by programmers today. Many popular apps and games are written in C++, making it a good choice for anyone looking to get into the field of software development.

Despite its popularity, C++ has some drawbacks. It can be difficult to learn, especially for those with no prior programming experience. Furthermore, its syntax can be confusing and error prone. However, C++ remains a popular language worth learning for those interested in software development.


C++ is a powerful programming language that can be used to create sophisticated software systems. However, learning C++ can be challenging for beginners. But don't worry, we'll share some tips on how to learn C++ effectively.

If you are interested in learning C++, there are 3 things you should keep in mind.

1) It is important to have a strong understanding of the fundamentals of programming. This will give you a solid foundation on which to build your C++ knowledge.

2) C++ is a complex language with many features and concepts that can be difficult to learn. It's important to be patient and take your time when learning C++.

3) There are many resources available to help you learn C++, including books, online tutorials, and courses offered by universities and colleges. With some effort and dedication, you can learn this powerful programming language and use it to create amazing software systems.

One of the best ways to learn C++ is by working on projects. By building something from scratch, you'll better understand how the language works. You can also join online communities and forums where experienced programmers can help you with your questions.

Another important tip is to practice regularly. Like any skill, the more you use C++, the better you'll get at it. You can find hands-on exercises online on the beecrowd platform or in books on C++ programming. Solving these challenges will help improve your problem-solving skills and deepen your knowledge of the language.

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Project Management X Product Management

Project Management X Product Management

(7 minutes of reading)

To be a successful project manager, it's important to understand the difference between project management and product management. While both disciplines share some similarities, there are also key differences that set them apart. If you are interested in the subject for your career, come read our article today to understand better about it!


What is the difference between project management and product management? At first glance, it might not seem like there's much difference, both involve project and product management. However, there are some important distinctions that separate these two disciplines.

Project management usually focuses on delivering a specific goal within a set time frame, while product management covers the entire lifecycle of a product, from conception to launch and post-launch support. Product managers are responsible for defining a product's features and ensuring that it meets users' needs, while project managers focus on planning and executing the tasks required to deliver a finished product.

Both roles are critical to the success of any project or product, but they require different skill sets and perspectives.


There are some important differences between project management and product management. Perhaps the most significant difference is that project managers are responsible for specific temporary projects, while product managers are responsible for an ongoing product. This means that project management is more focused on completing tasks, while product management is more focused on ensuring the long-term viability and success of the product.

Furthermore, project managers usually report to a senior manager or team leader, while product managers usually report directly to the CEO or other C- level executive. This distinction highlights another key difference between the two areas: project managers are more concerned with operational issues, while product managers are more concerned with strategic issues. Finally, because they have different priorities and areas of focus, project managers and product managers often come from different backgrounds and backgrounds.


As stated earlier, a project manager is responsible for planning, executing, and delivering a project. A product manager is responsible for developing and managing a product. Both roles are essential to an organization's success.

Project managers are responsible for ensuring that a project is completed on time and within budget. They work closely with teams of engineers, designers, and other professionals to plan and execute projects. Product managers are responsible for developing and managing products from conception to launch. They work closely with marketing, sales, and engineering teams to ensure products meet customer needs and market demands.

Both project managers and product managers play vital roles in the success of organizations. Project managers ensure that projects are delivered on time and on budget, while product managers develop and manage products to meet customer needs.


In recent years, the role of the product manager has come under scrutiny. Some have argued that the title is unnecessary, while others believe it is essential to a company's success. So, what exactly is a product manager and what does he or she do?

A product manager is responsible for the development and success of a product. They are responsible for managing all aspects of the product lifecycle, from conception to launch and post-launch analysis. They work closely with other teams such as marketing, sales, and engineering to ensure the product meets the customer's needs and achieves the desired results.

The role of a product manager has been criticized in recent years for its lack of accountability. Critics argue that product managers are often more concerned with making their products look good on paper rather than making sure they succeed.


There are some key areas where project management and product management overlap. First, both areas require a clear understanding of the goals and objectives of the project or product. Second, both parties need to create detailed plans outlining how these goals will be achieved. Finally, both need to track progress and ensure deadlines are met.

While there are some similarities between project management and product management, there are also some key differences. Project managers are typically more focused on the day-to-day execution of the project, while product managers are responsible for the overall strategy and product vision. Also, project managers often work on a single project at a time, while product managers often juggle multiple products simultaneously.


In conclusion, it is important to understand the difference between project management and product management to be successful in either field. Project management deals with planning, organizing, and executing a project, while product management deals with developing and managing a product. Both require different skill sets and knowledge, but both are essential for businesses.

With a clear understanding of each other's goals, tools, and processes, you can set your team up for success and avoid costly mistakes.

Want to read more about the Product Manager role? Then read this other article from our blog: Skills of a Product Manager

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Soft Skills

Most Important Soft Skills for Programming Professionals

(7 minutes of reading)

It is already a cliché here on the blog to start our texts by saying that the technology market is on the rise and is growing more and more every day. On the other hand, it is interesting to say that the profile of the programmer is also changing over the years.

Gone are the days when a programmer should only know how to program. Today, the programmer is expected to be much more than a “full stack” and to have knowledge that goes far beyond the code.

In this knowledge we include soft skills. And it is about these characteristics that we will talk about in our text today. Come read!


Soft skills is a term used to define behavioral skills and the way professionals deal with others and with themselves in different situations. These competencies are subjective and difficult to assess.

Soft skills are important in anyone's professional and personal life and in any area of work.

In the IT area this is not different. Today, big companies are already looking for devs who know much more than coding. It is imperative that programmers know how to communicate, be organized, have empathy and flexibility.

Now follows a list of the main soft skills that a programmer should have.


Communication is one of the most important skills in our lives. It is mandatory that a programmer knows how to communicate clearly, concisely, and directly.
It is important for a dev to be detailed and didactic both in speaking and writing. Always question whether the other party is receiving the message correctly.
For a programmer, in addition to communicating well, it is very important that your comments in the code are as accurate as possible to avoid bugs.
As a programmer, remember that most of the time, you are communicating with people who understand nothing about programming, that is, communication is essential for the success of your project. Don't be afraid to expose yourself.


The programmer no longer works alone as it used to. Today, it is impossible to do a project alone, a programmer must know how to work well in a team. Working well with others around you, sharing tasks, sharing ideas, is what makes the work environment more pleasant and more productive.

For teamwork to work, you need to be attentive to others, be helpful and understand when you need help.


The customer didn't like the code you wrote. Don't take criticism personally. Remember, you need to adapt to the reality of the project and client and not the other way around.

Adaptability and flexibility are skills that are in great demand today to operate in a dynamic market marked by uncertainty. You need to be open to new ideas and concepts, and you need to be able to stay motivated to act assertively in the face of the unexpected.


Emotional intelligence for a programmer is paramount, since a developer's life is very stressful, and they must know how to deal with pressure and problems that are difficult to solve all the time.

For this, you need to work on self-knowledge, self-confidence, control of negative emotions and have a lot of resilience.


A great programmer must be organized, not only with deadlines and work deliveries, but also with writing the code, its documentation, and its work as a whole.

With all the certainty in the world, a more organized programmer is a more efficient programmer.


One of the programmer's biggest challenges is solving problems. So, if you don't like this great challenge, perhaps the programming area is not for you.

To be able to solve problems a little more easily, you need to have an open mind, active listening, be observant and have critical thinking.


You must be thinking, why creativity for programmer? Is it not enough to follow procedures and rules to program? Often yes, but again, the IT area is growing and evolving faster, and faster and new technologies are emerging, so we don't have formulas for all problems. At this moment, creativity helps a lot to stand out in this market so full of opportunities.


The programmer's biggest nightmare has a name: BUG. And when they appear, the dev's greatest desire is to abandon everything and give up. And that's where great programmers excel, they don't give up. They are resilient and work hard until they find a solution to the problem.

That is, persistence is undoubtedly one of the most important soft skills for anyone who aspires to be a successful programmer.


We know how difficult it is to spend hours, days or even weeks working on a code and in the end the customer asks to change it. Remember the code is not yours. No matter how much work was done, the customer has the right to choose how he wants his product.

Most of the time, the criticism is not of you, but of the result of your work. Accepting constructive criticism will make you grow, improve, and improve more and more.


Time management does not mean neither spending nights coding to deliver a project on time nor spending days looking for the perfect solution to a problem.

Time management is knowing how to manage your time and goals well to achieve a good level of productivity. Being able to balance the tasks and obligations of personal and professional life even in periods of high demand for work.


It's no use writing the best code of your life if it's not what your client asked for.

A programmer must have constant meetings with his clients and stop to listen to what they really want. Be very patient and a good listener, this will save you a lot of effort and time.

Here were some of the main qualities sought, nowadays, by companies in a programmer.

These are not easy characteristics to develop, but it is certainly worth the effort to improve each one of them and become an increasingly complete professional.

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Game Developer

Game Developer

(7 minutes of reading time)

Technology is one of the fastest growing areas of work in the world. In addition to this growth, the area offers many career possibilities. And today, we want to talk about one of the most promising and targeted IT areas today: GAMES, more specifically game developers.

The gaming market is one of the biggest entertainment industries today, and it promises to grow even more in the coming years.

Market numbers leave no doubt that there will be no shortage of opportunities for those who want to embark on this universe. Therefore, if working on developing games is something that makes your eyes shine, it's time to learn more about the profession of the moment.

In today's post, we'll talk about this promising area that makes many programmers' eyes shine. Let’s take a look!


As the name implies, the game developer is a professional specialized in developing games. He/she is the one who masters the programming languages necessary to produce games with an interactive experience, that is, he/she is the one who writes all the codes that make a game work correctly.

In this way, he/she defines how the characters' attitudes will be and reviews and tests to resolve any bugs that may arise during production.


Before we continue talking about game developers, let's highlight the differences between a game developer and a game designer, who, despite working very closely with each other, have very different responsibilities in this universe of game production.

The game developer is responsible for writing the code that makes a game work.

The Game Designer is the one who takes care of the creative part of this whole process. He/she is the one who helps define all the details that will be part of the game, including not only the aesthetic part, but also the behavior of the characters and the rules. By doing this, the Game Designer provides the necessary guidelines for developers to carry out their work. This professional is responsible for organizing the ideas and rules of the game, and putting them together with the mechanics, history, setting, etc. Basically, it's who builds the game project.

In a nutshell, game designers are the creative minds behind the entire process, the ones who visualize it from start to finish, while game developers are the wizards who make it happen, spending hours making sure that the coding is correct.

Game Designers and game developers work closely together from game conception to completion. On some occasions, there may even be an overlap in the roles.


After understanding what a game developer does, you must be wondering what it takes to master to work in the area, right?

To be a game developer, you need to be very detailed oriented and interested in doing a very thorough job, since any mistake in typing the code can compromise the game's performance or cause rework and delay the project.

The most used programming languages in the games area are the following ones: TypeScript, Python, Ruby, Java, Go, C, C++, C#, Objective-C, so if you want to stand out in this area you must know at least one of them very well.

In addition to the technical part, the game developer also must be able to work in groups, since he/she needs to work in collaboration with many other professionals.

A game developer career requires robust programming knowledge. Therefore, you need to study and dedicate yourself a lot.

Nowadays, there are already some universities/colleges that offer graduation in digital games, and that are focused on creation, development, and testing of games of the most diverse types, in addition to also covering project management.

Another options for those who want to join this gamer world are the Computer Science and Engineering courses. In addition, it is possible to find many other complementary courses, which will contribute to your journey of learning about the technical part.


A game developer should be concerned with performing the following tasks:

- Design, develop and finalize a code in a programming language;

- Review the developed code to make sure there are no bugs and ensure its quality;

- Resolve technical issues that may arise during the game development process;

- Collaborate with all teams involved in the project;

- Collaborate with designers and creative artists;

- Be able to meet all deadlines;


The game developer is responsible for creating games. They are the ones who program and test the games that can be developed or adapted for the most diverse platforms that exist today.

A game can take several years to develop, going through several stages throughout the whole process, from the creation and design of the game itself and the way it will be played, passing through the animation of characters and objects, creation of audio and content, translation and localization, testing, production, and editing.

Game programming is something that can be quite challenging. The gaming market is booming and the speed at which new technologies and gaming platforms are being developed is truly impressive. For this reason, there is an increasing demand for professionals who specialize in this area.

With the high demand in the market, one thing is certain: it is worth investing in this area, as there will certainly be no shortage of jobs for those who become professionals.

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Career in IT

Career in IT

Author: Carla Catelan

(5 minutes of reading time)

When we look at the evolution of recruiting processes, what a company expects from a candidate or even the length of time people stays in companies, it is surprising how fast the trend is changing in this area.

Obviously, some industries, such as technology nowadays, accelerate changes and become transforming agents in the market, others stay in the background and end up being more conservative.

What is most effective will depend on the culture of each company and the industry in which it operates, but more broadly, companies are realizing that the candidate's experience in the selection process is perhaps one of the most important ways to leverage the employer branding. 

Today, we have access to portals with information on experience in the selection process, salary, benefits, etc. Glassdoor is one of the fastest growing recruitment and job sites in the world. Overall, these sites have an ever-growing database of millions of company reviews, CEO approval ratings, salary reports, reviews and interview questions, benefits reviews, office photos, and more. Therefore, companies with low reputations can hardly achieve high levels of attractiveness.

But what does this have to do with career? I explain:

Not long ago, applicants with multiple degrees and a large list of extracurricular courses stood out against those who didn't have as much "proof of their qualifications." But the question that has always remained is: is theoretical knowledge enough to guarantee a good professional qualification?

The answer is no. These requirements no longer count as they used to. Today, companies that lead the market trend and that have a good area of recruitment and selection more aligned with the business needs, have changed their way of acting and realized that cultural alignment and the candidate's potential to learn new technologies and different types of work are worth more than the traditional 5 pages resume.

The interviews that used to be carried out with questions already well known to the candidates (and which could be rehearsed at home) no longer have space. Modern selection processes rely on competency-based interviews, where applicants talk about their past experiences and the recruiting person assesses whether that behavior is in line with the type of service that the person will develop in their new role if they are hired.

Internal development programs have been increasingly necessary so that job candidates can refresh their knowledge or even migrate from their area of activity according to their own interests or needs of the company.

Companies have also opted for shared selection process, where several people actively participate in the interviews to eliminate unconscious biases. A broad discussion about the candidate's participation in the different lenses throughout the process eliminates a single opinion or a possible disapproval due to lack of objectivity in the evaluation of concrete attributes necessary to develop such a role.

More important than ever is the candidate's dedication to developing soft skills. Companies have increasingly sought to focus on safe environments for people to work, but candidates are expected to be able to work as a team, have good communication with different generations, know how to work with diverse people and collaborate with an inclusive environment, have emotional intelligence and resilience to change, have autonomy to develop their careers and seek to constantly gain knowledge, without depending on the company to design this journey plan. The career is individual. The company is there to support you.

When we analyze profiles of people who stand out within a group where several others have the same function, it is clear to understand that people who can make their deliveries with on time commitment and quality, who have a holistic view of their deliveries and who are not confined to their individual interests alone, but plan deliveries with what is best for the company. The feeling and attitudes of the "owner" make the person understand that he/she is an essential part of the company's success. This behavior is easily identified in people who excel in their deliveries.

The market has felt the need to look at professions of the future while at the same time managing to evolve the increase in the representation of diverse people in its staff. As such, it has become increasingly common to see accelerated training programs where companies pay scholarships to large institutions and then offer hiring positions to the best student people. This is a great opportunity for people who want to make a career transition or who want to get back into the job market.

More broadly, the profile of the candidates has dictated the focus of the companies and the investments to be made. These transformations in the labor market have been strengthening in the last 3-4 years and we will certainly have another curve of changes soon. We need to be prepared not to get lost in these metamorphoses.

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Author: Carla Catelan, is Head of Recruitment at Thoughtworks Brasil. She has been working for more than 17 years in areas related to people in technology companies. Her biggest experiences were in Recruitment and Selection, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Business Partner (LinkedIn)

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Books about JavaScript

Books about JavaScript

(7 minutes of reading time)

JavaScript is a programming language that enables interactive web pages. Despite the name, it is not related to the Java programming language, and today it has become one of the most popular programming languages on the web.

If you're looking to learn JavaScript or are an experienced developer looking for a reference, you've come to the right place. In this article, we recommend some of the best JavaScript books for developers at all levels.

Whether you're just starting out or looking to deepen your understanding of advanced concepts, these books will help you become a better JavaScript developer. Follow the content and learn more!


If you want to add some interactivity to your web pages or want to build web apps, learning JavaScript is a great next step. It is a versatile language that can be used on the front and back end of websites.

JavaScript is also relatively easy to learn compared to other programming languages. And after learning the basics of JavaScript, you can start using frameworks and libraries like ReactJS and AngularJS, which will make your life as a developer much easier.

So, if you're ready to take your web development skills to the next level, learning JavaScript is the way to go!

It's one of the most popular programming languages in the world, and for good reason. It is easy to learn for beginners and has many advanced features for experienced programmers. Here are some of the reasons why you should learn JavaScript. Check out!


JavaScript is used on almost every website in the world. Learning JavaScript will give you the skills you need to build websites from scratch or add interactive features to existing websites.


In addition to websites, JavaScript can be used to build web apps, mobile apps, desktop apps, and more. If you want to be a full-stack developer, learning JavaScript is a great place to start.


There are more job openings for developers with JavaScript experience than any other programming language.


As we have already said, JavaScript is a programming language that allows you to create interactive websites. If you want to learn JavaScript, you need a good book.

Here are some of the best JavaScript books that will help you learn the language:

JavaScript and jQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development

Author: Jon Duckett
Publisher: Wiley
Have you added JavaScript to your webpage but are having trouble understanding how it works? If so, this book is perfect for you.

The reading will teach you how to read and write in the language and will cover the basics of computer programming in a didactic and visual way.

In addition, you will learn a little about HTML and CSS, to make your websites more attractive and functional.

It doesn't just teach you how to read and write JavaScript, but also how to program in a simple and visual way.


Author: David Flanagan
Publisher: O’Reilly Media
The definitive guide provides a basic rundown of browser-defined JavaScript and the client-side JavaScript APIs defined by it.

It has been rewritten to conform to best practices in the field of contemporary web development, including ECMAScript 5 and HTML5.

This release includes many chapters that describe how jQuery and server-side scripts are commonly used in the coding industry.

This book serves as an essential guide for all JavaScript programmers. It is intended for experienced programmers who want to learn the web programming language and for JavaScript programmers who want to continue refining their knowledge of the language.

Head First JavaScript Programming: A Brain-Friendly Guide

Author: Eric Freeman & Elisabeth Robson
Publisher: O’Reilly Media
In this book, you'll learn everything there is to know about the JavaScript language, exploring functions such as objects, functions, and the browser's document object model.

And along with the core activities, you'll read, play games, think through mysteries, and interact with JavaScript in ways you never imagined. And you will be able to build your own web applications.


Author: Loiane Groner
Publisher:  Packt Publishing
The book begins by introducing the fundamentals of JavaScript and ECMAScript 2017. It continues by offering more advanced data structures such as arrays, queues, stacks, and linked lists.


Author: Stoyan Stefanov
Publisher: O’Reilly Media
Experienced computer developers, making use of object, function, inheritance, and other language-specific categories, will find the code abstractions and models in this book useful and relevant, whether they are writing client-side, server-side, or server-side JavaScript applications desktop.

Want to read more about the JavaScript language? Then read these other articles from our blog: Java vs JavaScript, APPs in React Native and JavaScript – Is it Worth Studying?

Want to practice JavaScript? beecrowd platform accepts 2 versions of JavaScript for you to practice any of our 2300+ exercises!

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Social Life being a Freelancer

Social Life being a Freelancer

(5 minutes of reading time)

It is known these days that being a programmer is a profession that is on the rise, and the demand for labor is far above the supply of the job market, but many of these vacancies are for freelancer programmers and remote work.

Yes, there are many advantages of being a freelancer and working from home, but to enjoy them you need organization (on our blog we have a text giving tips on how to organize yourself during home office). But what about the social life of a freelancer who works from home, how is it?

When you're a freelancer and work remotely, it's quite possible to get lost in your routine. Not having time to wake up, work and do any other activity and this is one of the biggest mistakes that can be done, after all, you are working remotely and not on vacation.

Routine is extremely important for your organization at work and also for your social life, which we cannot leave aside, because as we already know depression and anxiety are part of the life of a programmer (read our text on this subject). And our text today will be about how to maintain a healthy social life as a freelancer. Come and read!


Everyone knows that the programmer spends many hours sitting in front of a computer, without interacting with other human beings and without seeing the light of day, and today, with the home office, contact with the team is often online. So, how is social life? Here are some tips for not becoming a caveman (hahaha).


It is essential to know how to split your working hours and your personal life, schedule your professional activities only during your working hours. If necessary, create alerts and use specific equipment that you can disconnect during your downtime.

Knowing how to stop is very important for your health, after all, taking care of our physical and mental health is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves.


When working from home, we lose the important opportunity to meet at the cafeteria and/or lunch with co-workers, and this can make our routine heavier, to avoid this, at some opportune moments, have conversations (even if online) about subjects that are not related to work, this can make the routine lighter and more pleasurable.


If possible, try to go to your company's office at least once a week, if that's not possible, find a shared space, like a coworking space, so you get out of the house and can see and meet different people.


It can be outdoors in a park or on the street or in a gym. It is scientifically proven that when we exercise, our body releases several substances, such as endorphins, that promote well-being, increasing our motivation, joy, and disposition. These hormones give us the feeling of well-being that lasts for hours after the physical activity.

In addition, it can be an opportunity to meet and chat with friends and colleagues, making it a time to relax and disconnect from the heavy routine of work.


That preferably is not connected to technology or games. Today there are several reading groups or groups on other subjects that meet once a month to talk and discuss. This can be a good opportunity to meet people who have the same interests as you.


Today we have this tendency of not having to leave the house for anything else, but avoid that. Try to get out at least a little, even if it's to go to the bakery, supermarket, or a quick lunch.

Remember that leaving the house is important for your physical and mental health. Take a moment out of your day to take a short walk, walk on a public park, or do something outdoors.


Invite a friend to work with you at your house from time to time.


A study carried out by the company A.T. Kearney points out loneliness as one of the global trends between the years 2019 and 2024, the excessive use of social networks can collaborate and a lot for this, as they make people feel more insecure, vulnerable, and sad. So, avoid excessive use of social networks in your routine and prefer real social interactions like a call with a colleague or even a happy hour.


Enroll in a course that is related with your professional interests or something you like.


Suggest face-to-face meetings when possible.


Have lunch or happy hour with colleagues, even occasionally.

With a little organization and small gestures, we can improve our routine and make our work and social life much more pleasant, happy and peaceful.

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Organized Programmer

Organized Programmer

(7 minutes of reading time)

In this digital age, we are bombarded with information, and we are connected 24 hours a day, which, in addition to generating a lot of anxiety, also leads to distractions and a lot of wasted time.

In today's text we will talk about how to avoid this waste of time and be a more organized programmer. Come and check!


Whether at home office or at the company, your work desk must be clean and organized. In addition, your computer must also be organized. Don’t use thousands of icons and shortcuts, organize them so you can find everything quickly and easily.


While programming, turn off all notifications on your computer and cell phone, because every time you stop to read a message or see a notification, you lose focus and waste time.

Set time goals, focus, and only stop after you hit that pre-set time goal.


Each person controls their tasks using different approaches, however, it is important to have a control and, a great approach is to use a task management software as it is often difficult to remember everything on your own.

As a good programmer, you know that technology is an ally and can be useful in helping to deal with our daily challenges.

There are several apps that can help you manage your routine, such as:

Trello: helps organize tasks
Notion: manages tasks
Todoist: distributes activities in lists
Evernote: creating notes
Google Keep: helps in creating lists and notes
Google Calendar: sync events and appointments with calendar


Create a clean and simple code, it will save you a lot of time and will help you in the quality of your code.

Another important thing is to inspect your code all the time. For example, you can use SonarQube, which makes daily reviews of your code in 29 languages, such as PHP, Java, JavaScript, Python, C#, C, C++, among others.

Another possibility is to use some module, such as Standard JS.

Another way to save time is to make use of shortcuts, snippets, and templates (ready-made pieces of code with gaps to be filled in), as they help to deal with instructions, snippets, blocks, and parts of source code. It is also interesting to customize complex shortcuts, which go beyond those available in the operating system.


It is impossible to work without a good computer and good internet.

In addition, today there are some hardware solutions that can greatly improve productivity, such as multiple monitors and mouse with programmable buttons, which can reduce the time needed to perform tasks. In addition, there are applications that modify the desktop to make it more efficient.


Who have never spent hours trying to solve a bug, gave up and when tried again have solved the problem in few minutes?

When you are stuck on a task for a long time you start looking for the solutions (or errors) in the same place and find nothing. If you jump to another task and come back later you will be better positioned to solve the problem.


Start your day with the most important task, because if you start working on the less important ones first, when you get to what really matters, you will already be tired and without energy.

Make a list of priorities for the day and start performing tasks from most important to least.


Mastering a good text editor helps you create code faster, even allowing you to automate some aspects of code creation and testing, so it's worth picking and mastering it.


Every programmer knows how important it is to put the machine to perform repetitive tasks. Then, automate your tests, deployment, code reviews, environment creation, etc.


The more you study and understand something the faster and better you perform tasks, so look for ways to update yourself: take courses, go to events, and talk to other developers, soon you will be a productive programmer and be able to do what you do today in half the time.


It's very abstract to say if you are productive or not. So define daily goals so you can assess whether you're being productive. Of course, you must consider the complexity of the project and don't forget to leave some time to rest.


Document each step of the project as these records show how your work is progressing, and reviewing this documentation helps you understand how the project is progressing and planning.


By defining the scope of the project, you will be able to understand the different stages of work, so you will be able to have a better planning of all the effort needed in each of the stages. Determining each phase of the project helps to plan more accurately everything that will be needed.


Once the scope is defined, it is necessary to organize when each of these phases will be done and how much time each of them will need.

With this, the project schedule is organized, which avoids frustrations on the programmer's and client's side.


Programming requires a lot of our brain, as it involves logical reasoning and a lot of concentration. Not to mention the concerns with deadlines and the need to always be aware of new market technologies end up causing stress. Therefore, it is very important to try to keep your brain comfortable and motivated.

Here are some things that can help: take breaks during the day, listen to music, exercise, have a hobby, eat healthy, and more.


A survey by the US National Bureau of Economic Research revealed that professionals who do many tasks at the same time are less productive. This happens because the brain cannot focus on two cognitive activities at once.


Procrastinating can have a negative impact on your productivity. Thus, setting goals and stipulating deadlines for the completion of each activity helps to avoid delays and an exhausting routine.

With everything organized, there will be time for fun, with relaxing and pleasurable activities (playing sports, watching movies, and reading), which can make the routine lighter.

Being productive is not the same as working compulsively. Rest is essential to regain energy.

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Leadership and Communication

Leadership and Communication

(7 minutes of reading time)

Talking, we all can do it, we talk all the time with our friends, family, boss, attendants, but are we communicating? Did we get exactly the message we wanted?

Communicating clearly, concisely, and objectively is not an easy task, not everyone is a great communicator like Martín Luther King and Barack Obama, but there are things we can do and learn to improve our communication, because nowadays, it is essential to know how to communicate, especially if you expect to be a leader.

As James Humes, the former White House writer, who wrote speeches for former US presidents Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, said, “the art of communication is the language of leadership.”

Come read our text today to learn how to communicate better!


Good leaders are great communicators, no one doubts about that. Communication is a tool used by leaders to influence behavior. In leadership, the main purpose of communication is to build trust between leaders and employees.

With communication, managers use strategies to engage employees, and this positively impacts the organizational climate of a company.

If communication in a company fails, we may have the following problems:

- Delays in deliveries
- Problems in interpersonal relationships
- Misalignment in projects

That is, a good leader, with good communication, can avoid many problems in the team and in the company.

In any aspect of our lives, communication is only effective when the message is understood by the receiver. If there is no understanding, communication has failed.

The same happens in the corporate world, where communication has an extremely important role: exchange of information between managers and employees.


Communication in leadership positions is the basis for the proper functioning of organizational activities and helps in the execution of operations, bringing positive results.

Leaders must be a good communicators and convey the information they want clearly, concisely, and respectfully. You must also convey confidence in what you say, as this engages and motivates a team.

Another important characteristic for a leader is knowing how to listen, so that he/she can understand the problems of his team.

In a corporate environment, a good communicator is an influencer, as he/she can guide, inspire and promote a healthy and pleasant environment.

A leader who cannot communicate well with his team is at risk of having the following problems:

- Misunderstandings and, consequently, unnecessary reworks;
- Lack of alignment of expectations and tasks;
- No feedback or just bad feedback.


Here are some challenges leaders face in maintaining good communication:


Communication has the power to unify all areas and employees of a company, but for that it is necessary a good planning of the leaders, being able to define the best communication tools to be used to reach the goals.


A manager who communicates clearly and respectfully gives confidence to employees and motivates the team.

Trust is established when the leader can communicate clearly and is also able to maintain an honest dialogue with the team.

A good leader must know how to face adversity with clarity and tranquility, in addition to being able to solve all the problems of his team.


Business communication has changed a lot in recent years, today it is essential that a company has the means for its employees to give their idea and suggestions.

It is important for the company to update and modernize its internal communication systems.


As we have already said, communication is one of the most important skills to be a good leader and here are some tips on how to do this communication between leader and team:


A good leader must be present in the daily lives of employees, must be objective in meetings, give frequent feedback and create moments to align expectations and recognize the team's achievements.


To be successful in your communication everyone must understand you, for that you must be as clear as possible. Make clear the objectives, the deadline for execution, step by step to accomplish and align the expectations.


For the message to reach all employees, the manager must know which means of communication are most effective.


When communicating, the manager must be clear and objective. You don't have to give a lot of technical details or irrelevant information, define the focus of your speech, and engage the listeners.


As we have already discussed, a good leader must master the art of communication. And since we know that this is not an easy task, here are some tips to help you develop this art of communicating well.


It's no use communicating well if your interlocutor doesn't receive the news.

Understand in your team what is the best way to communicate, be it face-to-face, chat, email, among others.

A good leader must have an open dialogue with his employees and feedback is essential for the development of people and the team, as it helps to correct flaws and improve processes, in addition to valuing the work of each member.


In addition to knowing how to communicate, it is also important for the manager to listen to what others have to say. Show interest when someone has something to say to you. Thus, a bond is created with the employees and when it is your turn to speak, the person will be willing to listen to you too.

Within a company, people are different from each other, so you need to adapt to your way of speaking and your language each one of them. This way you ensure assertive communication.

Now is not always the right time to speak. Watch, feel and only speak when you think the time is right.

Often, a simple sentence said at the wrong time can cause great damage.

Being a good communicator is an arduous task that requires great efforts, but with experience, study, and good will, we can indeed achieve the objective.

Managers who care about having good communication create good interpersonal relationships, which helps in the organizational climate, because when communication in 
leadership has flaws, it can cause conflicts and disagreement among team members. And that can decrease employee productivity.

So, it is critical that managers are good communicators and are willing to listen to their employees.

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Important things a Programmer should know

Important things a Programmer should know

(5 minutes of reading time)

Are you tired of making the same mistakes over and over or wasting hours fixing bugs that always happen to you when coding?

Here are some tips that will allow you to progress and improve as a programmer and achieve more and more success.


In programming there are several ways to achieve the same results, so choose the cleanest and simplest way. That way it will be easier to find bugs and, in the future, it will be easier to understand and maintain your code.


Take your exercises seriously, as each piece of code you create increases your experience and over time coding will become more and more natural. Understand what you are doing.

Don't think that only training itself will make you a good programmer. Yes, the courses will help you, but what will make you a good programmer is practice and study.


You will work with different programming languages and IDEs. Try to understand what each one can do to help you so you will know which language to use in each of your projects.


By helping a colleague, you will also learn, because in programming it is by solving different problems that you learn more about algorithms. By helping your peers with difficulties, you will be in touch with other forms of programming and this will be very useful for the future.


Often, in the chaos of delayed projects and bugs to fix, it's hard to think about having fun, but remember that a touch of good humor and fun is always good. Depending on the job, add humorous comments, modify the look of your screen with specific themes and create creative error messages. There are tons of possibilities.


Programming goes beyond creating code, it demands a lot of math and graphic design involved. Take these subject matters very seriously.


Avoid typos, this takes a lot of reworks. Learn the keywords well in the language you are programming, this will surely save you a lot of trouble.


These are pranks that make the programmer commit small mistakes that, in the end, are a tragedy. Pay attention to the small details.


Check that all functions have been closed. Tag with a good code editor with different colors. Do the same for your parentheses in for, while or if loops.


Certainly, a programmer will not go very far in his career if he/she doesn’t have logical reasoning since he/she needs to solve problems using code to transcribe logical reasoning.

Programming is 80% problem solving. Whether the problem is the one that will be solved by the software or solving problems in the software itself. The programmer must be curious and have a keen interest in solving problems.


English language is almost mandatory if you want to be an outstanding programmer. Yes, it is possible to start programming without knowing English, however, you will not be able to go very far as others that read/speak English.


These are two essential characteristics in a programmer. Programming is to spend hours reasoning in search of a solution to one (or several) problems, and often this solution takes time to be found. That's when the programmer cannot give up. You must be very persistent and focused to find the best solution.

A good programmer is the person who solves problems without being dependent on others.


Programmers generally have access to a large volume of confidential information from companies and customers, so it is necessary to have ethics as a basis for working.


Surely that was the question you were waiting for, wasn't it?

If you are starting in programming, the tip is: know a single language, but be an expert. Go deep, study, be an expert in a that language.

It's no use saying that I program in C, C++, Java, and Python, but not being an expert in any of them. What the market is looking for today are programmers who REALLY know a language in depth and not a little bit of several languages.

Concentrate with all your effort on being the best programmer for a language. In case you can’t be the best, you still can be one of the best. After becoming an expert, now you can expand your knowledge to other programming languages.

Quantity is not the most important thing, but quality is. Understanding something in depth makes you much better than knowing several things superficially.

Another super important tip is for you to study and get to know libraries, packages and frameworks, as this will expand your understanding and you will see that it is possible to do a lot, using the same good old code. Also know database, security and servers. Have an overall view of your project.

Programming well goes far beyond knowing the syntax and use of programming languages, it's knowing how to use them intelligently, to get more results by writing less.

And rest assured, with practice, you will develop a keen eye that will spot bugs very quickly. But when you're just starting out, being persistent and studying will be worth it!

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